Birthday Gift Cartoon

An example of the process of ordering a cartoon, from start to finish

First, the customer left this message via the Enquiry Form

“Hi it's my brother's birthday on February 6th. I think this would make a great present! He loves playing the bass guitar, Waterford GAA and Liverpool FC. Bass guitar most important! Would it be possible to get some wording like happy 50th Tom love Mom, Carolyn, Terri and Colm?”


After agreeing the delivery times, she emailed some reference photos and I sent back these rough drafts. First draft is always just working on the face, and I only continue once the face looks ok to the customer.

Customer replied -

"Love number 2. Really looks like him! The music theme is the way to go. Should definitely have the bass guitar. Not so concerned about the sports teams. You need not put them in  if it is difficult.”


Working with cartoon no 2 I did this update ...

Customer was happy with that and just asked for one final amendment - to change the GAA jersey for a  cheque shirt

Final pic ready for framing then …

Everything goes out via signed delivery, with a tracking number. A few days later I received this message …

“Hi Brendan,
Just wanted to let you know that Tom was absolutely delighted with the caricature. Thank you very much. 

So I hope that example shows what to expect with an order.

First draft is always just the faces, and we only continue if you are happy with those. Sometimes there needs to be 3 or 4 drafts to get it right. And also as you can see it's fine to make some modifications as we go along. Sometimes you might think of things to add or remove only after we've started. That's never a problem. Thanks for reading.

