wedding invite

Wedding Anniversary Gift

A quirky present from a Wife to her Husband

Cartoon on glossy photo paper 16x12 inches. The faces and outfits were drawn from photos the customer emailed to me. The rest of the cartoon was based on her suggestions eg tractor and Hollywood sign. Usually completed in 1 week .

anniversary gift to husband

Creative Wedding Present

Unusual Creative Wedding Gift Idea

Cartoon on Glossy A3 paper. Faces drawn from the photos the customer emailed to me. The rest of the drawing was based on her suggestions - the bus, the church background, the shopping bags etc. Size is 12x16 inches approx. Usually completed in 1 week.

Hi Brendan...just a quick note to say the caricature went down a treat. My sister asked me for your contact details she was so impressed with your drawing. Thanks again for 'rushing' the job...appreciate it” - Mary

Wedding Present For Fiancé

Cartoon created from a reference photo the customer sent

“I am looking for A3 Glossy Print caricature for my fiance as a wedding present.
 I have a picture of him proposing at the top of a tower in Glastonbury that I would like you to imitate”

Finished Wedding Present Cartoon

Wedding Present

Customer Order Details:

“Hi! My friends are getting married on the 11th of august and i would love this as part of their gift. The groom is into weight lifting and he is a carpenter...the bride loves to lie on the couch and is always on her phone...the funnier the better for this one would be great. Could u include the date of the wedding as well and maybe have them in their wedding outfits?? I can send on some pictures whenever you need them”

Finished Cartoon:

“That’s Brilliant. Thanks a million for your help I think its great idea as a gift!” - Kelly Ann

Design for a Wedding Invite (Background is the Armada Hotel, Clare)

Order details:

“I hope this email finds you well I got your name from a friend, you did a sketch for her wedding last year. We are looking to get a sketch done similar to the one attached for the cover of our wedding invites. Could you let me know a price and timeline for doing this.

Looking forward to hearing from you”

[Attached photo was a picture of a groom lifting a barbell, with the bride sitting on top]

Finished Cartoon

“Thanks so much for that Brendan, appreciate it” - Ciara

Wedding Invite Cartoon

Order Details:

“Hi. We are looking to get some sort of drawing done up for wedding invites. Have you done this before? We were thinking of bride holding groom in arms playing up height difference. But any ideas welcome as I'm sure you have seen it all. We getting married on a beach in Portugal in september and having celebration afterwards back here and that is what the invites are for. I've attached some pics”

Finished Cartoon:

“Thanks that's great. Can we go ahead with that cheers” - Sara

Digital Image

Receive a link where you can download the finished image

Cartoon For Wedding Invite (Background is Dunboyne Castle Hotel)

Order Details: 

"Just looking for a quote for a bride dragging the groom (maybe hotel in the background) We have a contact that can do our invitations but just need image for the front"

Finished Cartoon:

“It looks brilliant!” - Zara

Digital Image

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Wedding Invite Cartoon


"Hello,  I am looking to get a caricature done of myself and my fiancé to use for our wedding invites.I would like us be standing on the pink chair which is outside the Hillgrove Hotel, Monaghan (picture attached) not sure of the exact size but it's approx 12 ft high. Sorry i think the photo is tilted a little to one side but hopefully this will b ok for you to work with. I have also attached a picture of a wedding caricature pose that I would like to use for standing on the chair" 


"That's great thanks a million I love it, it's perfect!" - Majella

Wedding Gift Caricature (Background is St. Coleman's Church, Ballintotis in Co. Cork)

Order details:

“A friend of mine commissioned you to do a caricature picture for her friend's wedding and it was super. My cousin is getting married on Friday 12th August and I would email you a photo of the couple then, ie in the actual suit and wedding dress. I'd have to think about the background, but maybe the church? The church is called St. Coleman's, Ballintotis in Co. Cork”

Finished Picture:

“Thanks a lot, Brendan. They are thrilled with the picture! They are using it on thank you cards to send to all the guests!” - Catherine

Cartoon For Wedding Invite (Ball and chain)

Order Details:

“The church is St Joseph's Tuamgraney co. Clare. For Gers suit can you have navy blue with a pink tie.
I’m a hairdresser and partner is a plumber so maybe me holding a scissors and him holding whatever don’t mind.

Does that sound ok?

And could I have signs somewhere one to the right saying cobblers bar and the left sign lakeside hotel. With the cobblers sign can you put a red x over the cobblers bar” 


[After seeing the 1st draft the customer had the idea to pose them with the ball and chain, and with flower petals scattered around]



"Thank you so much. I love it" - Sandra

Digital Image

Receive a link where you can download the finished image

Wedding Caricature For Invite (Featuring the Colosseum)

Order Details:

"Hi there, I'm looking to get a digital wedding caricature done so we can use them on our invites. Pic would be of myself and fiancee in wedding attire with the colosseum in background as it's where we got engaged. And it would be great if he was holding a golf club and me a microphone and wearing a 1950s style wedding dress"

"Thats amazing I'm chuffed with that" - Louise